All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 60 of 83 in total
Teaching History Classically with Andrew Zwerneman of Cana Academy
About our GuestAndrew J. Zwerneman has been working in the classical education movement since 1983. In 2016 he co-founded Cana Academy where he serves as president. He...

Jonathan Pageau on The Symbolic World of Fairy Tales
About our GuestJonathan Pageau is a French Canadian liturgical artist, icon carver, writer, and public speaker. With a YouTube following of 191K, he has become a sough...

Dr. Christopher Perrin on What is Classical Education?
About our GuestDr. Christopher Perrin, is an author, consultant, and speaker, who specializes in classical education and is committed to the national renewal of the li...

Practical and Joyful Moments with Joshua Gibbs
About our GuestJoshua Gibbs is a teacher, a lecturer on pedagogy and great books, and the author of several books that are listed in the show notes. For the last thirt...

The Art of Good Writing with Master Teacher, Mark Signorelli
About The GuestMark Signorelli currently serves as Headmaster at Lumen Gentium Academy, a classical Catholic high school located in Boonton, NJ. Prior to occupying th...

Benefits of Virtue and Motivation Research with Dr. Matthew Post and Dr. Steve Bourgeois
About The GuestsMatthew Post, PhD, Acting Director of the St. Ambrose Center for Catholic Liberal Education and Culture and Assistant Professor of Humanities at the Un...

Learning Ancient Languages (Latin) with Jonathan Roberts and Ryan Hammill
About our GuestsThe Ancient Language Institute exists to transform the way ancient languages are taught and to recover the humanistic tradition for the modern world.Jo...

The Whimsy and Levity of George MacDonald with Dr. Danny Gabelman and Dr. Reno Lauro
About the GuestDr. Daniel Gabelman grew up in the arid foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains but now finds himself in a contrapuntal landscape--the flat, marshy fe...

Dr. Patrick Egan: Creating a Framework for Charlotte Mason in a Classical School
About the GuestPatrick Egan is a founding director of Educational Renaissance and Academic Dean at Clapham School. He previously served as an administrator at Providen...

Exploring the Beauty of Classical Education: What’s Going on in Australia?
About our GuestKon Bouzikos is currently the President and cofounder of ACES (Australian Classical Education Society). The Australian Classical Education Society Inc. ...

Narration in the Classroom: A Panel Discussion with Coram Deo Academy Educators
About the GuestsFour Teachers from Coram Deo Academy (CDA): A Christian, classical, and collaborative university model network with three campuses in the DFW Metroplex...

Tending The Heart of Virtue: Introducing The Second Edition with Vigen Guroian
About the AuthorUntil his retirement in 2015, Vigen Guroian was Professor of Religious Studies in Orthodox Christianity at the University of Virginia. He is now a Perm...

Restoring America’s Heritage: John Adams Academy with its Founder, Dr. Dean Forman
About our Guest: Dr. Forman is active in his community having served on the Roseville Joint Union High School District Governing Board from 2000 to 2004. He was the ch...

Three Inspired Homeschool Co-ops and How They Grew
Adrienne is joined by three expert guests who have started Charlotte Mason inspired communities. Each is very different and our guests provide a wealth of infomation a...

Teaching & Defining Virtue: A Dialogue with a Panel of Experts
What is virtue according to the tradition? Are children virtuous for sitting when told? How ought virtue be taught and can it be taught? What’s the practical end of te...

Tolkien and Father Christmas with Richard Rohlin and Dr. Reno Lauro
In this episode, Reno Lauro and Richard Rohlin introduce us to the fatherly nature of Tolkien. Beginning with a definition of Mythopoeia, we then dive into The Letters...

Scholé: An Education Rooted in Joy with Dr. Jarrid Looney
Dr. Looney discuss how to reimagine education through the lense of Scholé. If you want to understand what is at the heart of a humane educaiton both for students and t...

Teaching Among the Saints at Lindisfarne Hall with Headmistress Diana Cunningham
From seat cushions to church bells, Headmistress Diana Cunningham believes atmosphere matters in education. Listen in while Trae and Diana consider the atmosphere, dis...

Karen Glass on Norms & Nobility
Karen Glass discusses why Norms & Nobility: A Treatise on Education by David Hicks is a seminal work that ought to be read by all educators.

Autumn Kern: The Common Classical Charlotte Mason Mom
While falling in love with her college boyfriend, Autumn learned that if she wanted to become "Mrs. Kern," she would have to accept the charge of becoming a homeschool...

Rethinking Educational Philosophy with Margarita Mooney Suarez: Why Teachers Don't Have to be Bureaucratic Therapeutic Reformers
Is a rotten philosophy of education at the heart of the problems in modern education? Who was John Dewey, and how is he still influencing schools and homes today? Plea...

Halloween Special: Frankenstein & Dracula with Dax Stokes and Melissa Smith-Lauro
Trae and Adrienne invited Dax and Melissa to discuss the two most famous monsters in gothic fiction literature, Frankenstein and Dracula. The big ideas in these classi...

An Education Deep in History and Faith with Ferdi Mcdermott
Headmaster Ferdi McDermott tells the story of the founding of Chavagnes International College, a Catholic boarding school for boys in France. With great warmth and cha...

Dr. Matthew Post on The Art of Teaching, Guided by Beauty
This episode begins by discussing the art of teaching and how it encompasses freedom which allows students to rest in a state of wonder. If we allow students to enjoy ...

Reforming Education in Nigeria with Daniel Olushola
Moved by the increasingly poor state of education in his home country of Nigeria, Daniel Olushola decided to don the mantel of educational reformer and classical educa...

Dr. Angel Parham on A Liberal Education for All
Dr. Paham discusses her Christian outreach through Nyansa Classical Community (a non-profit Classical after-school program). We also dive into the debate between Book...

Dr. Richard Ferrier on Embracing Adventitious Experiences to Become a Well-Educated Person
Dr. Ferrier is a true sage in classical education. His wisdom shines in this discussion. Hearing from his heart as a dad and grandparent was an absolute blessing. This...

The Art of Teaching Science & Pursuing Truth with Dr. Steve Mittwede
Dr. Steve Mittwede brings practical ideas for teachers to consider for good, truth-driven instruction. If truth is a foundation to classical education, then integratin...

Teaching Math Like Socrates: Engaging Students as Mathematicians
Adrienne and Trae interview two master teachers in mathematics from Long-View Micro School in Austin, Texas. While Long-View is a progressive school, they have discove...

Homeschooling with Amy Sloan from Humility and Doxology
Many golden nuggets of wisdom are shared between Adrienne Freas and Amy Sloan as they explain the common experiencs typical in the life of a homeschooler. Listen and b...